
Carl Rossini Diton

1886 - 1962


Carl Diton (1886-1962) was a pianist, singer, organist, composer, conductor, teacher, critic, and musicologist. He attended the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, his birthplace, continuing studies in Munich, at Teachers College, Columbia University and the Institute of Musical Art. Edgar Rogie Clark called him one of the important leaders of Negro music in America. He traveled extensively as a concert pianist and is reported to have been the first African American pianist to make a transcontinental tour in 1909. Diton was the assistant director of the symphonic orchestration department at Juilliard and served as the president of the National Association of Negro Musicians from 1926 through 1928. He was a Harmon Award recipient for music in 1929.

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Works by Carl Rossini Diton

Title Collection Voice Type Range Poet
Entreaty Voice E4 - E5 William Henly
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Voice B3 - G5 Biblical
Composer Title Work Instrumentation Level Number of Movements Accompanied Size Duration Range
Carl Rossini Diton Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Organ 1 No Solo